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How to create my training plan with the DIE RINGE CoachUpdated 2 years ago

The DIE RINGE Coach helps you determine your training goals and select the content you want to train. Based on the answered questions, the DIE RINGE Coach will design your perfect training week. In doing so, sports science rules and principles are taken into account, which ensures that you have enough rest between your training units and make better progress.

What is a training goal?

You can choose between the following training goals:

  • Muscle building upper body
  • Muscle building lower body
  • Mobility
  • Calisthenics Skills

If you select the goals Upper Body Muscle Growth, Lower Body Muscle Growth or Mobility, training sessions for these goals will be integrated into your week.

If you select Learn Calisthenics Skills, you can select the skills you want to learn in a later step. 

Prioritize your goals

The order of the goals determines their importance in your training plan. The higher prioritized goals will be integrated more often or in the first place in your weekly plan. 

What is a training style?

If you have selected the goals of Upper Body Muscle Growth or Lower Body Muscle Growth, you have to choose a training style in the next step. 
The training styles differ in the equipment you need for your training. At the end, the coach will show you which equipment you need immediately and which you will need in future training sessions. 
If you don't own or don't have access to the equipment you need, it's better to choose a training style that you can perform with your existing sports equipment.

Assess yourself realistically

Based on your selected goals, a ranking of different exercises follows. The query of the exercises varies depending on the selected goals. If you have already completed an assessment for a training style, the coach will not ask you again. However, it is possible to do a new assessment, you can find out how here.

Try to answer the questions as realistically as possible, so that your planned training corresponds to your performance level and you are not over or under-challenged. Ideally, you should warm up and try out the exercises to find out how many repetitions/minutes you can do for each exercise. 

What are skills?

Skills are elements from calisthenics, such as the handstand or the ring muscle up. 
Once you have selected Calisthenics Skills as your training goal, you will then select the appropriate skills that match your ability level and that you want to learn.
The coach will schedule short workouts into your training week that are specific only to the skill you want to learn. 

Prioritize your goals

If you select multiple skills, you have the option to prioritize your selection here as well. The higher prioritized skills will be integrated more often or in the first place in your weekly schedule.

Choose your training days

After you have selected your goals and/or skills, the coach calculates how many training days you need for your selection. Choose the training days that suit you best.

Consider enough rest days

Ideally, a training day should be followed by a rest day. This will ensure that you are sufficiently recovered for your next workout. If you are only able to train 2-3 days in a row, the coach will try to plan your training sessions into your week in such a way that the trained muscle groups are not trained again the following day. 

The coach says I should choose more rest days or change my selection.

You will be shown that you should select more rest days or change your training goals when selecting the days, then a qualitatively good & suitable training plan cannot be created based on your specifications. Your selection would otherwise put you at risk of injury by allowing your muscles not enough time to recover.

You have the following options to fix the problem: 

1. Choose other training days. Ideally with rest days between training days.

2. Go back and choose less training targets and or skills.

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