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How can I redeem my Friendship Pass for the DIE RINGE App?Updated a month ago

A gift voucher can only be redeemed if you do not currently have an active membership.

Instructions for Redeeming Your Voucher Code:

  1. Use the link in the email to automatically apply your voucher code during the process. Alternatively, visit our website at https://dieringe.com/choose-plan and select "1 Month".
  2. Create a new account or log in your existing one. If you are already logged in, the next step will proceed automatically.
  3. On the checkout page, your voucher code will be automatically applied if you used the link in the email. Alternatively, copy the voucher code from the email and enter it in the field “Do you have a discount code?” Once the code is added, the price will be reduced to “0.” Complete the purchase.

Important Notes:

  • To complete the membership, your payment details are required, even if the amount is €0.
  • Your subscription will automatically renew at the regular price once the voucher period ends.
  • If you do not wish to continue the membership, you can disable the renewal at any time in your account. Simply follow the instructions in the following article.

If you have any questions, our support team is happy to assist you!

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